Reviews for the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood


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Book Review

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood sometimes called The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire by Howard Pyle has been reviewed by Focus on the Family unit's marriage and parenting magazine.

Plot Summary

Animals in England's forests belong to the rex or a local noble. Men chosen foresters police the area to proceed poachers away. One mean solar day Robin of Locksley Town walks past a group of foresters. When they learn he is on his fashion to an archery competition, they ridicule him.

To evidence his skill, Robin shoots an arrow at a deer some distance away and kills it. As he leaves, a forester shoots an arrow at Robin, barely missing him. Robin angrily shoots back and kills the human being. Now an outlaw, Robin escapes into Sherwood Forest. A reward is placed on Robin'south head because he shot one of the rex's deer.

Other men, who are oppressed, cast out or take become outlaws, join him. Merely a few men come to join Robin Hood in unique ways. John Picayune, later named Little John, joins after a battle of quarterstaffs with Robin on a log bridge. A stalwart Tinker, who wants to present Robin with a warrant for his arrest, battles Robin with the quarterstaff then joins his band.

Arthur a Bland beats Footling John in a quarterstaff bout, so Robin asks him to join his group, and Will Scarlet, who is Robin's nephew and is fleeing his home because he killed a homo, also joins. An honest miller catches Robin, Little John and others off-baby-sit in a fight, and he eventually joins the band, likewise. Allan a Dale joins when Robin Hood comes upwards with a program to keep his true dearest from marrying a knight she doesn't dearest. While finding a way to marry Allan a Dale and Ellen o' the Dale, Robin meets Friar Constrict, who also becomes one of his merry men.

Robin Hood and his band rob from the rich and give a portion of what they steal to those in need. 1 fashion they practice this is to forcefully "invite" those with ill-gotten proceeds into Sherwood Forest for a feast. So the men must pay for their meal with large amounts of coin.

Robin Hood has many enemies, especially the Sheriff of Nottingham. The sheriff wants the reward and to avenge his relative's death, only he can't notice anyone to give Robin the warrant for his arrest. The Sheriff of Nottingham visits Rex Henry. When he asks for help to capture Robin Hood, Male monarch Henry tells him to capture the thief himself or lose his job. The sheriff returns home, committed to bringing this outlaw to justice.

The sheriff holds an archery competition, which Robin wins, though he does and so in disguise. When the sheriff realizes what has happened, he grows angrier. He devises another plan to capture Robin Hood. He sends groups of men into Sherwood Forest, simply they only capture Will Stutely, one of Robin's men. The sheriff plans to hang Volition the following day, but Robin and his men rescue Will moments before he is hung. Their boldness scares the sheriff. He retreats to his castle and is aback of his cowardly actions.

Robin pays dorsum the sheriff for trying to hurt i of his men. He dresses as a butcher and tricks the sheriff into coming to Sherwood Woods under the guise of selling him an inexpensive herd. Robin and his men fix an enormous feast for the sheriff. When the meal is over, they salvage him of his money, and Robin warns the sheriff not to accept advantage of others.

Picayune John goes to the Nottingham fair and wins the quarterstaff and archery competitions. He accepts a position in the sheriff'due south service, only after half-dozen months, he steals the sheriff'south silverish goblets and plates, and returns to Sherwood Wood with the sheriff'south cook, who wants to be one of Robin Hood's men. Robin returns the argent to the sheriff and lets him know that he no longer has anything against the human being. He advises the sheriff to exist more conscientious nigh whom he takes into his service.

Ane 24-hour interval Little John and Robin get along different paths to invite guests to a feast at Sherwood Forest. Robin meets a knight who seems despondent. His castle and holding have been pawned to go along his son out of prison house after an unfair jousting tournament. The Prior of Pismire will soon own all Sir Richard of the Lea'due south property.

Robin takes the knight to Sherwood Forest and sees that Little John has invited the Bishop of Hereford and three friars, all quite rich guests. To pay for their feast, Robin takes a third of all the bishop's holding — one tertiary goes back to the bishop and one third is prepare aside for charity. The charity gilt is given to Sir Richard, along with other gifts.

Sir Richard pays back the Prior Vincent of Emmet, which angers the human being, and so works to repay Robin for the money he was given. By the following year, he has the money. On his way to repay Robin Hood, Sir Richard saves David of Doncaster, one of Robin'south men and a champion wrestler, from an angry mob. Robin thanks Sir Richard for saving one of his men, which is worth far more than than argent and gilt. Sir Richard pays back Robin and gives his whole band new bows, quivers and shafts feathered with peacock plumes.

Another day, Robin and Little John accept a contest to run across who might live a merrier life: Little John as a friar or Robin as a beggar. At the end of the day, Little John has enjoyed the company of 3 women on their fashion to sell eggs, has been treated to ale and has taken a large quantity of money from 2 rich Friars of Fountain Abbey, after completely embarrassing them. Robin was able to steal a large sum of money from beggars who pretended to be blind, deaf, dumb and lame when they turned on him. Then he tricked a much-hated Corn Engrosser out of his shoes because the human being hid his money in his shoes. No ane can decide whether Robin Hood or Little John spent a merrier day.

Queen Eleanor asks Robin Hood and a few of his men to the archery competition in London. Robin brings Little John, Volition Scarlet and Allan a Dale with him. After coming together Queen Eleanor, they all go to Finsbury Fields for the archery contest. The archery competition is for the king's men only, only the queen wagers a bet with the rex that she tin can find three champions herself. Once she gets the king to hope amnesty for her chosen archers, Robin and his men compete against the male monarch's champions. The king's archer beats Will in the contest, but Robin and Little John beat the other 2 archers. Then warned that they are in danger, they carve up upwards and hurry back toward Sherwood Forest.

Robin'south men get in back in eight days, but before King Henry'due south men, along with the Sheriff of Nottingham'due south men, under the direction of the Bishop of Hereford, surround Sherwood Woods. Robin must change clothing with a cobbler and then a friar to keep from being caught. Sir Richard saves Robin by giving him a compatible of one in his service, and they return to London to beg the queen'southward help. She is able to get Henry to be a human being of his discussion, and Robin returns to Sherwood Forest unharmed. Somewhen, King Henry dies.

The sheriff sends a murderous outlaw subsequently Robin, whose proper name is Guy of Gisbourne. After a difficult fight, Robin kills him. This is only the 2d man that Robin has killed in his life. Meanwhile, Little John dresses equally an older human to try to help three sons of a widow who were taken to the sheriff as poachers. The oldest killed a king'southward deer, and his brothers wouldn't give him up.

The sheriff, who is waiting exterior Sherwood Forest, hires Trivial John, in disguise, to hang the iii boys. Instead, Little John frees them, just and then the sheriff's men capture him. Robin, bearded as Guy Gisbourne, frees Little John. So the two take a stand confronting the sheriff and all his men, and their enemy flees back to Nottingham.

Robin and his men go to Nottingham to cheer for Male monarch Richard, who is there for a visit. King Richard wants to encounter Robin Hood, and so he and his seven men wearing apparel as friars with a pocketbook of 100 pounds. As they walk past Sherwood Forest, they're invited to a feast. Though Robin takes 50 pounds from them, they win information technology back.

Sir Richard hurries to Sherwood Forest to warn Robin that King Richard will be visiting him. Sir Richard recognizes Male monarch Richard, who and then reveals his true identity. Robin and all of his men kneel before the king. King Richard pardons Robin Hood's men and asks Robin, Little John, Will Carmine and Allan a Dale to go into his service, which they do. The newly pardoned men become foresters of Sherwood Forest for the king.

Years later, at the death of Rex Richard on the battlefield, Robin visits Sherwood Forest, though Rex John has but given him three days for the visit. In one case Robin enters the woods, he doesn't want to exit. He blows his horn three times, and those who hear it come to him. They restart their lives in Sherwood Woods.

King John sends Sir William Dale and the Sheriff of Nottingham to destroy Robin Hood. Only Robin Hood is no longer a peaceful man, having been in many wars with Male monarch Richard. He and his men fight King John's forces in a bloody battle. The sheriff is the first to be killed. Though victorious, Robin broods on the death toll of this battle and comes down with a fever.

He asks Trivial John to take him to his cousin the Prioress of the nunnery virtually Kirklees. Little John leaves Robin in his cousin's care. Afraid the rex will plough against her for her kinship to Robin Hood, she opens a large vein in Robin's arm and lets his life slowly drain from him. Robin blows his horn, and Little John comes to him. Robin asks Trivial John non to take out his anger on the nuns for their betrayal. Then he shoots an pointer through the window and asks to be cached on that spot.

Robin Hood dies at Kirklees Nunnery in Yorkshire. And so Little John and his ring of men bury him.

A new sheriff comes to Nottingham, and he is merciful. Robin'southward band slowly goes their ain ways and many take families. The tales of Robin Hood are passed downward to their children and their children's children.

Christian Behavior

John Little is forcefully christened as Niggling John by Robin's band. Ane in the band pretends to exist a priest for the ceremony. The Tinker makes a reference to priests being greedy for money. When Robin, Footling John, Arthur a Bland and Volition Cerise pretend to rob an honest miller, the miller asks for their names, and Robin responds that they are 4 Christian men.

Robin goes to the Fountain Abbey to find a friar to marry Allan a Dale and Ellen o' the Dale. The friar says that he is besides fine of a Christian to not give someone a beverage when asked. Some call him the Curtal Friar of Fountain Dale, others call him the Abbot of Fountain Abbey, while others call him Friar Tuck.

Sir Richard'south son is in Palestine in the Crusades. He is referred to as a good Christian soldier. The Prior of Emmet, a leader in the church building, does not show mercy to Sir Richard but focuses only on his ain personal gain. The Bishop of Hereford is a hard main to those who live on his lands. He is rich beyond what he should exist. He uses his position in the church to alter Male monarch Henry's so he volition pursue Robin Hood and wants to capture Robin Hood for revenge.

Later on Fiddling John escorts three young ladies to Tuxford, they call back it's a pity that he has taken holy orders. Robin and a couple of his men go on the crusades with Rex Richard. The Prioress at the Kirklees Nunnery drains more of Robin's blood than she should, which kills him.

Other Belief Systems

Authority Roles

The Sheriff of Nottingham is attack capturing Robin Hood because he killed i of the male monarch's deer and killed a man who was related to him. He goes to King Henry to enquire for aid, but the rex rebukes him and tells him he'll lose his position if he doesn't capture the outlaw. When Robin Hood and his men attack the sheriff to relieve Will Stutely, the sheriff retreats with his men. To keep the Sherwood Forest outlaws away from an archery competition, the sheriff offers two steers, knowing they won't desire to win such a prize. He takes opportunities to capture or destroy Robin Hood, such as sending Guy of Gisbourne later him and working with Male monarch Henry's men to capture him, but not when it requires take chances or a noble action on his function.

Robin leads a band of men. They enjoy fighting others and protecting their leader. When the sheriff's men capture Will Stutely, Robin leads his band to save him. To become fifty-fifty with the sheriff, he finds a style to bring him to a feast in Sherwood Forest and take his money. His men readily follow him in all he does. Before Robin was an outlaw, he taught his nephew Will how to shoot an arrow on a bow and how to parry with a quarterstaff.

Robin is upset with Little John because Petty John stole the sheriff's silverish cups and plates afterward the sheriff has left those in Sherwood Forest solitary. When Little John tricks the sheriff to enter Sherwood Forest, Robin gives him back his silver and tells him that they no longer have a quarrel with the sheriff. Afterwards, Robin dresses similar Guy of Gisbourne to pay back the sheriff's attack on him.

Profanity & Violence

Many characters say "Our Lady," meaning Mary, the mother of Jesus with the word by or use it alone. They too utilize the phrases saints of heaven, saints bless thee, saints preserve usa and saints in paradise. In the original, the landlord calls the Tinker an donkey, referring to him every bit a donkey. The word ally is used as an expression throughout the story. There is a bit of name-calling, such as fat priest, homo-eating bishop, poor puny stipling, coin-gorging usurer, sugariness chucks, sot, porkers or kiss-my-lady-la poppenjay. Robin calls the rich clergy in the church building bloodsuckers. A mob yells angrily at David of Doncaster for winning a wrestling bout confronting their champion.

Robin'south band attacks John Footling when they first run into him because he bested Robin. So seven of them attack him so they can forcefully christen him as Trivial John. Robin and the Tinker fight each other with quarterstaffs. His band of men is ready to assail the Tinker, merely Robin calls them off.

The sheriff's men capture Will Stutely and program to hang him. When Robin Hood and his men relieve Will, many of the sheriff's men are injured.

Little John competes with the quarterstaff and beats a braggart named Eric o' Lincoln. He fights with Arthur a Bland and loses to him. Will Gamwell, who becomes Volition Reddish, beats Robin Hood in their fight with quarterstaffs. Midge, the miller's son, throws barley flower in Robin's, Niggling John'southward, Arthur a Banal'due south and Volition Scarlet's faces and and so beats them with his staff. A mob forms to hurt David of Doncaster afterward he wins a wrestling contest. They throw a rock at him and striking him in the head.

Robin uses the intimation of force at the wedding of Alan a Dale and Ellen o' the Dale to continue the clergy in the church until the hymeneals has taken place. Rex Henry and the Bishop of Hereford unsuccessfully surround Sherwood Forest to capture Robin Hood. Guy of Gisbourne is known for his grisly murders. Robin kills Guy of Gisbourne in self-defence force.

Little John saves 3 young sons moments before they are to be hung. Robin saves Picayune John from being hung, and they shoot an pointer into the sheriff's backside so he tin can't sit for a very long fourth dimension.

When Male monarch John sends soldiers to destroy Robin Hood, Robin and his men fight, killing many soldiers. Robin has also killed many during his time in the service of Rex Richard. Robin catches a fever and thinks bloodletting will help. He trusts his cousin, who is a Prioress, but she purposely lets too much blood period out of him and eventually kills him by doing this.

Sexual Content

When Little John pretends to be a friar, he kisses three pretty young ladies goodbye after traveling with them to Tuxford.

Give-and-take Topics

Boosted Comments

Booze – At that place are many examples of alcohol use, including: The Sheriff of Nottingham promises a "butt of ale" to the winner of a shooting contest. At that place is e'er drinking when there is feasting. At Little John'southward christening, they have a barrel of ale. Robin and the Tinker go to a local inn to drink ale together. Robin asks the host to put additional alcohol in the Tinker'due south ale. Robin Hood gets the Tinker then drunk that the Tinker passes out. John drinks ale and buys ale for many at the off-white and at inns. Little John spends the nighttime drinking at the Blue Boar Inn on his way to get Lincoln green cloth from a man in Ancaster. When Footling John pretends to be a friar, he gives each daughter he escorts a drink from his supply and finishes it himself. At an inn, he is treated to ale because he is a friar. Robin brings ale to a beggar, and they both potable.

Saints: The names of many Catholic saints are mentioned with supplications, such as Saint Christopher, Saint Godrick, Saint Ethelrada, Saint Aelfrida, Saint Thomas, Saint Hubert, Saint Wilfred, Saint Dunstan, Saint Wynten, Saint Peter, Saint Withold, Saint Edmund, Saint Swithin, Saint Alfred, Saint Cedric, Saint Albans, Saint Martin, Saint George and Saint Francis.

Gambling: The queen and king bet on who tin find the better archers.

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